Past Draw Result
Magnum 4D 萬能
Date: 19-03-2025 (Wed)
Draw No: 178/25
1st Prize 首獎 8679
2nd Prize 二獎 1350
3rd Prize 三獎 2940
Special 特別獎
7802 ---- 1915 6635 9205
7529 6842 5844 4085 2091
---- ---- 1667
Consolation 安慰獎
1460 8728 8198 7141 6031
6196 5365 2621 2966 5366
4D Jackpot 1 Prize 4D Jackpot 2 Prize
RM 24,532,980.41
Partially Won
RM 459,961.05
Partially Won

Magnum Life万能天天彩
Date: 19-03-2025 (Wed)
Draw No: 178/25
Winning Numbers
01 06 08 11 17 24 29 36
Bonus Numbers
05 12
Grand Prize
RM 1,000 everyday for 20 years
Grand Prize
RM 1,000 everyday for 100 days

Magnum Jackpot Gold萬能黃金万字积宝
Date: 19-03-2025 (Wed)
Draw No: 178/25
Jackpot 1
7 9 5 0 4 0 + 1 6
Prize: RM 12,555,548.65
Jackpot 2
7 9 5 0 4 + 1 6
9 5 0 4 0 + 1 6
Prize: RM 209,414.42 Partially Won
3rd Prize
7 9 5 0 4 0 +
4th Prize
7 9 5 0 4 +
9 5 0 4 0 +
5th Prize
7 9 5 0 +
5 0 4 0 +
6th Prize
7 9 5 +
0 4 0 +
7th Prize
7 9 +
5 0 +
4 0 +

Da Ma Cai 1+3D 大馬彩
Date: 19-03-2025 (Wed)
Draw No: 5888/25
1st Prize 首獎 3316
2nd Prize 二獎 0418
3rd Prize 三獎 4814
Special 特別獎
5617 0728 1596 1560 2965
0457 2019 5157 9272 9398
Consolation 安慰獎
6257 1725 4856 5383 0022
3339 3276 6790 1560 9376
4D Jackpot 1 Prize 4D Jackpot 2 Prize
RM 8,773,586.00
Partially Won
RM 117,512.80
Partially Won
3D Jackpot Prize RM 922,285.50

Singapore 4D
Date: 19-03-2025 (Wed)
Draw No: 5302
1st Prize 首獎 9325
2nd Prize 二獎 7058
3rd Prize 三獎 4913
Special 特別獎
1010 2545 3682 5016 5548
6903 6913 7590 7963 9802
Consolation 安慰獎
0485 0643 1469 2402 3044
3985 7738 8934 9095 9277

SportsToto 4D 多多
Date: 19-03-2025 (Wed)
Draw No: 5941/25
1st 首獎 4306 Zodiac
2nd 二獎 8492
3rd 三獎 3110
Special 特別獎
5350 3396 3969 8882 6238
1764 3271 6062 **** 7273
1364 **** ****
Consolation 安慰獎
3175 6458 1619 4079 5483
2183 9251 3759 1078 3860
4D Jackpot 1 Prize 4D Jackpot 2 Prize
RM 8,480,373.43
RM 151,834.76

SportsToto 5D, 6D, Lotto多多六合彩
Date: 19-03-2025 (Wed)
Draw No: 5941/25
1st 71311 4th 1311
2nd 76158 5th 311
3rd 33859 6th 11
1st 638463
2nd 63846* or *38463
3rd 6384** or **8463
4th 638*** or ***463
5th 63**** or ****63
Star Toto 6/50
23 25 35 37 43 47 + 9
Jackpot 1 RM 4,395,442.34
Jackpot 2 RM 100,000.00
Power Toto 6/55
20 28 30 34 36 50
Jackpot RM 10,211,118.28
Supreme Toto 6/58
6 15 21 26 49 53
Jackpot RM 27,020,642.80

Da Ma Cai 3+3D 大馬彩
Date: 19-03-2025 (Wed)
Draw No: 5888/25
1st 首獎 423316 RAT
Bonus 1 RM 380,000.00
2nd 二獎 640418 DRAGON
Bonus 2 RM 802,611.00
3rd 三獎 354814 DRAGON
Bonus 3 RM 1,871,506.00
Special 特別獎
175617 250728 751596
471560 802965 460457
762019 715157 029272
Consolation 安慰獎
996257 311725 554856
675383 010022 303339
273276 776790 971560

Sandakan 4D山打根赛马会
Date: 19-03-2025 (Wed)
Draw No: 037/25
1st Prize 首獎 3941
2nd Prize 二獎 3757
3rd Prize 三獎 4216
Special 特別獎
- 1015 6061 1494 3810
6470 1246 5447 3374 7269
- 3262 -
Consolation 安慰獎
5292 2553 3986 5502 8879
8900 8815 0722 3928 3520

Special CashSweep 砂勞越大萬
Date: 19-03-2025 (Wed)
Draw No: 5100
1st Prize 首獎 2396
2nd Prize 二獎 2241
3rd Prize 三獎 9057
Special 特別獎
6762 9477 4498 7068 4375
3169 6500 0773 4134 3904
Consolation 安慰獎
4581 9409 3844 6552 0811
4961 2080 2542 3872 0706

Sabah 88 4D 沙巴萬字
Date: 19-03-2025 (Wed)
Draw No: 4007/25
1st Prize 首獎 2566
2nd Prize 二獎 2388
3rd Prize 三獎 2980
Special 特別獎
7849 5951 5045 2107 7573
5337 9243 2880 ---- ----
  1054 ---- 4233  
Consolation 安慰獎
5549 3803 2316 3214 4084
3132 1876 2061 1434 7063
1st Prize 首獎 661
2nd Prize 二獎 858
3rd Prize 三獎 775
Lotto 6/45
11 31 35 37 42 44 + 01
Jackpot 1 RM 667,067.23
Jackpot 2 RM 23,257.28


4D Past Results | Magnum 4D Past Result | Sports Past Result | DaMaCai Past Result

Checkout The Pass 4D Result On This Site Using The Date Calendar Selection Above. –  We provide the most real-time 4d result for our visitors, Result including Magnum 4D, Sports Toto 4D/5D/6D, Da Ma Cai, Sabah 88 4D, Sarawak Special Cash Sweep 4D, STC 4D.

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