Past Draw Result
Magnum 4D 萬能
Date: 26-02-2025 (Wed)
Draw No: 169/25
1st Prize 首獎 6805
2nd Prize 二獎 4462
3rd Prize 三獎 3850
Special 特別獎
---- 8951 ---- ---- 9197
3931 6688 8064 8066 1578
9373 3810 6534
Consolation 安慰獎
8224 9466 3654 7399 6678
8753 1544 6811 7253 7029
4D Jackpot 1 Prize 4D Jackpot 2 Prize
RM 15,455,224.07
Partially Won
RM 830,654.91
Partially Won

Magnum Life万能天天彩
Date: 26-02-2025 (Wed)
Draw No: 169/25
Winning Numbers
06 20 22 23 26 28 32 34
Bonus Numbers
09 31
Grand Prize
RM 1,000 everyday for 20 years
Grand Prize
RM 1,000 everyday for 100 days

Magnum Jackpot Gold萬能黃金万字积宝
Date: 26-02-2025 (Wed)
Draw No: 169/25
Jackpot 1
0 5 6 2 5 0 + 1 8
Prize: RM 11,784,335.29
Jackpot 2
0 5 6 2 5 + 1 8
5 6 2 5 0 + 1 8
Prize: RM 100,000.00
3rd Prize
0 5 6 2 5 0 +
4th Prize
0 5 6 2 5 +
5 6 2 5 0 +
5th Prize
0 5 6 2 +
6 2 5 0 +
6th Prize
0 5 6 +
2 5 0 +
7th Prize
0 5 +
6 2 +
5 0 +

Da Ma Cai 1+3D 大馬彩
Date: 26-02-2025 (Wed)
Draw No: 5879/25
1st Prize 首獎 2442
2nd Prize 二獎 0240
3rd Prize 三獎 8790
Special 特別獎
6694 8902 3895 3128 9727
7734 7046 4218 3927 9770
Consolation 安慰獎
7328 7724 0329 7042 8652
4814 1120 2664 8447 5215
4D Jackpot 1 Prize 4D Jackpot 2 Prize
RM 5,319,835.70
Partially Won
RM 289,900.70
3D Jackpot Prize RM 822,059.90

Singapore 4D
Date: 26-02-2025 (Wed)
Draw No: 5293
1st Prize 首獎 5404
2nd Prize 二獎 1956
3rd Prize 三獎 9746
Special 特別獎
0567 1079 1403 2904 3551
4952 5339 5436 6861 9233
Consolation 安慰獎
0058 1859 1874 2718 2941
4797 6372 7649 9380 9873

SportsToto 4D 多多
Date: 26-02-2025 (Wed)
Draw No: 5932/25
1st 首獎 5345 Zodiac
2nd 二獎 6227
3rd 三獎 7984
Special 特別獎
**** 0776 **** 6672 6630
6195 6606 0387 9617 8586
3356 3104 ****
Consolation 安慰獎
9932 4271 0486 3870 2011
5308 3988 4434 2621 9102
4D Jackpot 1 Prize 4D Jackpot 2 Prize
RM 2,785,039.53
RM 192,258.40

SportsToto 5D, 6D, Lotto多多六合彩
Date: 26-02-2025 (Wed)
Draw No: 5932/25
1st 64301 4th 4301
2nd 03842 5th 301
3rd 42931 6th 01
1st 837710
2nd 83771* or *37710
3rd 8377** or **7710
4th 837*** or ***710
5th 83**** or ****10
Star Toto 6/50
7 15 22 35 36 39 + 45
Jackpot 1 RM 3,918,922.78
Jackpot 2 RM 488,733.35
Power Toto 6/55
17 22 31 34 42 46
Jackpot RM 9,206,244.04
Supreme Toto 6/58
11 16 22 39 45 58
Jackpot RM 22,393,821.29

Da Ma Cai 3+3D 大馬彩
Date: 26-02-2025 (Wed)
Draw No: 5879/25
1st 首獎 892442 GOAT
Bonus 1 RM 290,000.00
2nd 二獎 040240 HORSE
Bonus 2 RM 1,285,904.60
3rd 三獎 818790 GOAT
Bonus 3 RM 1,781,506.00
Special 特別獎
576694 078902 873895
433128 079727 227734
017046 924218 213927
Consolation 安慰獎
377328 717724 770329
007042 368652 104814
081120 802664 568447

Sandakan 4D山打根赛马会
Date: 26-02-2025 (Wed)
Draw No: 028/25
1st Prize 首獎 8264
2nd Prize 二獎 7679
3rd Prize 三獎 8356
Special 特別獎
0610 9730 0446 8864 0206
- - 7246 9714 9824
- 5471 1934
Consolation 安慰獎
1867 8753 8937 8113 5519
2177 9563 5638 3418 5050

Special CashSweep 砂勞越大萬
Date: 26-02-2025 (Wed)
Draw No: 5091
1st Prize 首獎 0102
2nd Prize 二獎 9686
3rd Prize 三獎 1893
Special 特別獎
3478 3214 1767 5677 9638
1993 8896 9930 6630 6507
Consolation 安慰獎
2722 3135 6735 4885 2418
0017 3628 9017 0069 0662

Sabah 88 4D 沙巴萬字
Date: 26-02-2025 (Wed)
Draw No: 3998/25
1st Prize 首獎 1806
2nd Prize 二獎 4724
3rd Prize 三獎 9452
Special 特別獎
---- 5538 2166 ---- 7697
4170 ---- 8796 3679 7384
  1377 1235 2611  
Consolation 安慰獎
3354 1190 9692 9813 3500
8632 6403 4014 3402 1516
1st Prize 首獎 195
2nd Prize 二獎 766
3rd Prize 三獎 336
Lotto 6/45
05 18 23 26 43 45 + 25
Jackpot 1 RM 648,343.91
Jackpot 2 RM 20,448.77


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Checkout The Pass 4D Result On This Site Using The Date Calendar Selection Above. –  We provide the most real-time 4d result for our visitors, Result including Magnum 4D, Sports Toto 4D/5D/6D, Da Ma Cai, Sabah 88 4D, Sarawak Special Cash Sweep 4D, STC 4D.

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