Past Draw Result
Magnum 4D 萬能
Date: 16-02-2025 (Sun)
Draw No: 165/25
1st Prize 首獎 8844
2nd Prize 二獎 7414
3rd Prize 三獎 8376
Special 特別獎
9393 6916 8609 0092 ----
0172 ---- 2774 5820 9773
3861 ---- 9203
Consolation 安慰獎
4349 2281 3528 0244 5746
5437 5037 7775 1985 0945
4D Jackpot 1 Prize 4D Jackpot 2 Prize
RM 12,574,728.97
Partially Won
RM 209,666.82
Partially Won

Magnum Life万能天天彩
Date: 16-02-2025 (Sun)
Draw No: 165/25
Winning Numbers
07 09 13 16 22 29 32 35
Bonus Numbers
20 21
Grand Prize
RM 1,000 everyday for 20 years
Grand Prize
RM 1,000 everyday for 100 days

Magnum Jackpot Gold萬能黃金万字积宝
Date: 16-02-2025 (Sun)
Draw No: 165/25
Jackpot 1
4 4 1 4 7 6 + 1 8
Prize: RM 12,021,860.36
Jackpot 2
4 4 1 4 7 + 1 8
4 1 4 7 6 + 1 8
Prize: RM 135,394.77 Partially Won
3rd Prize
4 4 1 4 7 6 +
4th Prize
4 4 1 4 7 +
4 1 4 7 6 +
5th Prize
4 4 1 4 +
1 4 7 6 +
6th Prize
4 4 1 +
4 7 6 +
7th Prize
4 4 +
1 4 +
7 6 +

Da Ma Cai 1+3D 大馬彩
Date: 16-02-2025 (Sun)
Draw No: 5875/25
1st Prize 首獎 8811
2nd Prize 二獎 2726
3rd Prize 三獎 5883
Special 特別獎
4890 5187 2469 3769 3865
2964 1745 8922 1819 1793
Consolation 安慰獎
1477 0705 3776 4823 7746
9438 2958 1242 0594 2172
4D Jackpot 1 Prize 4D Jackpot 2 Prize
RM 3,225,982.90
RM 169,029.60
Partially Won
3D Jackpot Prize RM 776,929.10

Singapore 4D
Date: 16-02-2025 (Sun)
Draw No: 5289
1st Prize 首獎 7539
2nd Prize 二獎 3829
3rd Prize 三獎 4143
Special 特別獎
0557 2169 3985 4297 4539
6784 7117 7610 9950 9995
Consolation 安慰獎
0240 1330 1940 4525 4526
4984 6634 7178 7912 8010

SportsToto 4D 多多
Date: 16-02-2025 (Sun)
Draw No: 5928/25
1st 首獎 0149 Zodiac
2nd 二獎 7172
3rd 三獎 0177
Special 特別獎
2032 2062 7111 **** ****
4088 0627 2577 9562 ****
7400 4621 6119
Consolation 安慰獎
8442 2180 8469 9078 5605
6508 7802 7261 9801 8427
4D Jackpot 1 Prize 4D Jackpot 2 Prize
RM 5,389,389.10
RM 159,746.07

SportsToto 5D, 6D, Lotto多多六合彩
Date: 16-02-2025 (Sun)
Draw No: 5928/25
1st 98407 4th 8407
2nd 58460 5th 407
3rd 49405 6th 07
1st 479474
2nd 47947* or *79474
3rd 4794** or **9474
4th 479*** or ***474
5th 47**** or ****74
Star Toto 6/50
19 20 31 33 38 43 + 10
Jackpot 1 RM 3,696,167.06
Jackpot 2 RM 479,138.11
Power Toto 6/55
3 5 9 23 31 54
Jackpot RM 8,758,822.78
Supreme Toto 6/58
9 16 21 28 38 53
Jackpot RM 20,249,158.05

Da Ma Cai 3+3D 大馬彩
Date: 16-02-2025 (Sun)
Draw No: 5875/25
1st 首獎 538811 HORSE
Bonus 1 RM 260,000.00
2nd 二獎 282726 MONKEY
Bonus 2 RM 1,255,904.60
3rd 三獎 475883 OX
Bonus 3 RM 1,751,506.00
Special 特別獎
214890 735187 472469
793769 543865 452964
701745 388922 731819
Consolation 安慰獎
931477 200705 033776
254823 587746 069438
822958 321242 880594

Sandakan 4D山打根赛马会
Date: 16-02-2025 (Sun)
Draw No: 024/25
1st Prize 首獎 3924
2nd Prize 二獎 4397
3rd Prize 三獎 5867
Special 特別獎
- 7540 9556 2793 0733
0176 - 6196 - 3011
8063 6435 6853
Consolation 安慰獎
9553 4445 6025 9903 2316
2815 6371 5481 2393 7221

Special CashSweep 砂勞越大萬
Date: 16-02-2025 (Sun)
Draw No: 5087
1st Prize 首獎 0780
2nd Prize 二獎 2837
3rd Prize 三獎 2857
Special 特別獎
4790 8004 9184 4864 6316
6631 2204 2690 5625 9492
Consolation 安慰獎
0893 1084 8315 5336 9950
5363 7660 2703 8998 0704

Sabah 88 4D 沙巴萬字
Date: 16-02-2025 (Sun)
Draw No: 3994/25
1st Prize 首獎 4776
2nd Prize 二獎 1104
3rd Prize 三獎 8604
Special 特別獎
0570 0010 1341 1564 8859
6300 1173 3955 ---- 7330
  ---- 5113 ----  
Consolation 安慰獎
4978 2482 4454 6160 7547
8143 9497 0858 2607 0778
1st Prize 首獎 525
2nd Prize 二獎 128
3rd Prize 三獎 157
Lotto 6/45
04 05 07 15 17 40 + 10
Jackpot 1 RM 639,316.76
Jackpot 2 RM 19,094.70


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Checkout The Pass 4D Result On This Site Using The Date Calendar Selection Above. –  We provide the most real-time 4d result for our visitors, Result including Magnum 4D, Sports Toto 4D/5D/6D, Da Ma Cai, Sabah 88 4D, Sarawak Special Cash Sweep 4D, STC 4D.

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