Past Draw Result
Magnum 4D 萬能
Date: 24-07-2022 (Sun)
Draw No: 729/22
1st Prize 首獎 5112
2nd Prize 二獎 7496
3rd Prize 三獎 5924
Special 特別獎
3077 9846 9887 6134 8779
---- ---- 5828 1154 6200
4207 0002 ----
Consolation 安慰獎
7463 6909 2921 2764 9274
9146 8257 9848 2416 3619
4D Jackpot 1 Prize 4D Jackpot 2 Prize
RM 3,608,884.67
RM 100,000.00
Partially Won

Magnum Life万能天天彩
Date: 24-07-2022 (Sun)
Draw No: 729/22
Winning Numbers
04 09 11 12 18 30 34 36
Bonus Numbers
01 17
Grand Prize
RM 1,000 everyday for 20 years
Grand Prize
RM 1,000 everyday for 100 days

Magnum Jackpot Gold萬能黃金万字积宝
Date: 24-07-2022 (Sun)
Draw No: 729/22
Jackpot 1
1 2 9 6 2 4 + 1 1
Prize: RM 8,576,326.10
Jackpot 2
1 2 9 6 2 + 1 1
2 9 6 2 4 + 1 1
Prize: RM 100,000.00
3rd Prize
1 2 9 6 2 4 +
4th Prize
1 2 9 6 2 +
2 9 6 2 4 +
5th Prize
1 2 9 6 +
9 6 2 4 +
6th Prize
1 2 9 +
6 2 4 +
7th Prize
1 2 +
9 6 +
2 4 +

Da Ma Cai 1+3D 大馬彩
Date: 24-07-2022 (Sun)
Draw No: 5440/22
1st Prize 首獎 2370
2nd Prize 二獎 1437
3rd Prize 三獎 8909
Special 特別獎
3315 8316 1145 4450 2856
8503 3059 6337 7111 0849
Consolation 安慰獎
5562 0724 6860 8558 3286
2062 0950 4267 4515 2045
4D Jackpot 1 Prize 4D Jackpot 2 Prize
RM 20,771,918.80
RM 180,760.50
3D Jackpot Prize RM 982,892.20

Singapore 4D
Date: 24-07-2022 (Sun)
Draw No: 4887
1st Prize 首獎 2536
2nd Prize 二獎 9197
3rd Prize 三獎 3389
Special 特別獎
0976 2169 2427 2537 3218
3581 4194 5629 6823 9046
Consolation 安慰獎
1237 1302 1417 3074 3521
3919 5425 8826 9049 9750

SportsToto 4D 多多
Date: 24-07-2022 (Sun)
Draw No: 5493/22
1st 首獎 6463 Zodiac
2nd 二獎 8247
3rd 三獎 0943
Special 特別獎
**** 3094 2557 4468 ****
**** 9228 5176 1469 8274
8472 3486 4964
Consolation 安慰獎
3491 2107 6982 0935 3646
4729 6106 3962 2705 7424
4D Jackpot 1 Prize 4D Jackpot 2 Prize
RM 9,077,897.67
RM 261,350.23
Partially Won

SportsToto 5D, 6D, Lotto多多六合彩
Date: 24-07-2022 (Sun)
Draw No: 5493/22
1st 30210 4th 0210
2nd 70465 5th 210
3rd 26728 6th 10
1st 374932
2nd 37493* or *74932
3rd 3749** or **4932
4th 374*** or ***932
5th 37**** or ****32
Star Toto 6/50
2 12 30 34 36 43 + 33
Jackpot 1 RM 3,495,015.34
Jackpot 2 RM 100,000.00
Power Toto 6/55
2 18 23 28 37 45
Jackpot RM 7,416,005.58
Supreme Toto 6/58
4 24 25 45 47 54
Jackpot RM 22,910,103.89

Da Ma Cai 3+3D 大馬彩
Date: 24-07-2022 (Sun)
Draw No: 5440/22
1st 首獎 862370 DOG
Bonus 1 RM 2,143,333.30
2nd 二獎 471437 ROOSTER
Bonus 2 RM 230,000.00
3rd 三獎 868909 RAT
Bonus 3 RM 1,700,000.00
Special 特別獎
203315 108316 561145
744450 432856 968503
903059 466337 627111
Consolation 安慰獎
965562 350724 456860
978558 413286 622062
950950 984267 614515

Sandakan 4D山打根赛马会
Date: 24-07-2022 (Sun)
Draw No: 097/22
1st Prize 首獎 1247
2nd Prize 二獎 9370
3rd Prize 三獎 6923
Special 特別獎
8114 2221 - 1321 1014
- 2341 4997 8100 -
7192 4972 1389
Consolation 安慰獎
6387 6029 5111 2754 6309
6013 3527 0181 3473 3458

Special CashSweep 砂勞越大萬
Date: 24-07-2022 (Sun)
Draw No: 4652/22
1st Prize 首獎 3635
2nd Prize 二獎 4541
3rd Prize 三獎 8843
Special 特別獎
5758 8493 3047 7628 0659
0463 8394 2861 4448 1891
Consolation 安慰獎
4160 4273 7450 6675 2319
3062 9998 5867 5187 5073

Sabah 88 4D 沙巴萬字
Date: 24-07-2022 (Sun)
Draw No: 3559/22
1st Prize 首獎 1429
2nd Prize 二獎 5777
3rd Prize 三獎 2233
Special 特別獎
6085 4434 ---- 6859 ----
2490 2730 2208 ---- 7028
  7490 0570 7905  
Consolation 安慰獎
5519 1528 0354 0426 3950
6149 2801 1736 6498 8636
1st Prize 首獎 623
2nd Prize 二獎 287
3rd Prize 三獎 905
Lotto 6/45
01 17 20 30 33 36 + 28
Jackpot 1 RM 1,270,626.78
Jackpot 2 RM 29,520.37


4D Past Results | Magnum 4D Past Result | Sports Past Result | DaMaCai Past Result

Checkout The Pass 4D Result On This Site Using The Date Calendar Selection Above. –  We provide the most real-time 4d result for our visitors, Result including Magnum 4D, Sports Toto 4D/5D/6D, Da Ma Cai, Sabah 88 4D, Sarawak Special Cash Sweep 4D, STC 4D.

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