Past Draw Result
Magnum 4D 萬能
Date: 05-01-2025 (Sun)
Draw No: 144/25
1st Prize 首獎 5532
2nd Prize 二獎 9514
3rd Prize 三獎 9541
Special 特別獎
9744 0388 3308 ---- ----
1524 3788 1024 1010 8556
3572 4699 ----
Consolation 安慰獎
6669 6868 0762 9323 2330
8423 3686 7377 2323 3388
4D Jackpot 1 Prize 4D Jackpot 2 Prize
RM 8,495,102.04
Partially Won
RM 393,726.85

Magnum Life万能天天彩
Date: 05-01-2025 (Sun)
Draw No: 144/25
Winning Numbers
03 05 07 13 16 17 33 36
Bonus Numbers
15 26
Grand Prize
RM 1,000 everyday for 20 years
Grand Prize
RM 1,000 everyday for 100 days

Magnum Jackpot Gold萬能黃金万字积宝
Date: 05-01-2025 (Sun)
Draw No: 144/25
Jackpot 1
3 2 1 4 4 1 + 1 5
Prize: RM 11,759,868.40 Partially Won
Jackpot 2
3 2 1 4 4 + 1 5
2 1 4 4 1 + 1 5
Prize: RM 260,722.91 Partially Won
3rd Prize
3 2 1 4 4 1 +
4th Prize
3 2 1 4 4 +
2 1 4 4 1 +
5th Prize
3 2 1 4 +
1 4 4 1 +
6th Prize
3 2 1 +
4 4 1 +
7th Prize
3 2 +
1 4 +
4 1 +

Da Ma Cai 1+3D 大馬彩
Date: 05-01-2025 (Sun)
Draw No: 5854/25
1st Prize 首獎 4154
2nd Prize 二獎 1155
3rd Prize 三獎 1126
Special 特別獎
7467 9046 9267 2027 9810
7346 9611 3137 3991 6296
Consolation 安慰獎
4857 4031 1933 6869 3985
8437 2488 0341 6973 1448
4D Jackpot 1 Prize 4D Jackpot 2 Prize
RM 0.00
RM 0.00
3D Jackpot Prize RM 0.00

Singapore 4D
Date: 05-01-2025 (Sun)
Draw No: 5271
1st Prize 首獎 5256
2nd Prize 二獎 5975
3rd Prize 三獎 1936
Special 特別獎
0392 1147 2171 2793 4441
5954 6376 7187 7473 9906
Consolation 安慰獎
0218 4263 4669 5863 6426
7908 8028 8372 8859 9238

SportsToto 4D 多多
Date: 05-01-2025 (Sun)
Draw No: 5907/25
1st 首獎 2010 Zodiac
2nd 二獎 6674
3rd 三獎 5618
Special 特別獎
5770 5826 2430 1680 4910
6873 **** 0960 4712 ****
**** 5305 3527
Consolation 安慰獎
1525 4931 1876 5625 8383
9307 0017 2722 7224 2831
4D Jackpot 1 Prize 4D Jackpot 2 Prize
RM 9,080,580.24
RM 495,737.74

SportsToto 5D, 6D, Lotto多多六合彩
Date: 05-01-2025 (Sun)
Draw No: 5907/25
1st 08646 4th 8646
2nd 27354 5th 646
3rd 99167 6th 46
1st 459330
2nd 45933* or *59330
3rd 4593** or **9330
4th 459*** or ***330
5th 45**** or ****30
Star Toto 6/50
3 11 16 24 33 40 + 42
Jackpot 1 RM 2,343,151.00
Jackpot 2 RM 200,023.04
Power Toto 6/55
8 15 16 20 34 38
Jackpot RM 5,866,347.11
Supreme Toto 6/58
32 37 45 50 57 58
Jackpot RM 72,274,222.93

Da Ma Cai 3+3D 大馬彩
Date: 05-01-2025 (Sun)
Draw No: 5854/25
1st 首獎 544154 OX
Bonus 1 RM 80,000.00
2nd 二獎 651155 DRAGON
Bonus 2 RM 1,075,904.60
3rd 三獎 581126 BOAR
Bonus 3 RM 1,571,506.00
Special 特別獎
197467 799046 929267
002027 219810 217346
809611 553137 313991
Consolation 安慰獎
804857 534031 991933
656869 123985 678437
982488 500341 536973

Sandakan 4D山打根赛马会
Date: 05-01-2025 (Sun)
Draw No: 003/25
1st Prize 首獎 4273
2nd Prize 二獎 5167
3rd Prize 三獎 4262
Special 特別獎
0114 7657 3775 2163 -
6696 - 9711 0078 6319
2151 2220 -
Consolation 安慰獎
9309 5253 6271 1266 9620
5812 5424 7327 2063 6493

Special CashSweep 砂勞越大萬
Date: 05-01-2025 (Sun)
Draw No: 5066
1st Prize 首獎 1314
2nd Prize 二獎 7790
3rd Prize 三獎 9279
Special 特別獎
5690 9049 9840 0471 6080
0014 1194 9811 9129 1401
Consolation 安慰獎
5386 8796 2861 7347 3869
2169 3144 2506 8698 2449

Sabah 88 4D 沙巴萬字
Date: 05-01-2025 (Sun)
Draw No: 3973/25
1st Prize 首獎 9500
2nd Prize 二獎 4751
3rd Prize 三獎 3172
Special 特別獎
8799 6922 3352 1871 ----
9519 8957 3917 9814 5816
  7594 ---- ----  
Consolation 安慰獎
6643 9050 4487 7049 9808
2988 1928 2195 9147 8607
1st Prize 首獎 480
2nd Prize 二獎 614
3rd Prize 三獎 956
Lotto 6/45
06 11 12 25 36 39 + 08
Jackpot 1 RM 586,503.12
Jackpot 2 RM 11,172.66


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Checkout The Pass 4D Result On This Site Using The Date Calendar Selection Above. –  We provide the most real-time 4d result for our visitors, Result including Magnum 4D, Sports Toto 4D/5D/6D, Da Ma Cai, Sabah 88 4D, Sarawak Special Cash Sweep 4D, STC 4D.

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